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Classroom Teachers Are Not Superhuman

There are not enough hours in the day to complete all of the mandated extraneous tasks put upon us in addition to actually teaching the children! Mental Health and Elementary School Teachers “It’s easier to just be a team player”. That was the moment. That was when I decided I had to get out. That I could no longer be part of this, “team” of a district, of a national system that was failing our…

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The Smell of Crayons – Introduction

It was a good three months into the school year, November 2022. Two months earlier, I had seen the school buses driving their routes with rowdy kids at the windows. When walking the dogs I could hear the laughter on the school playground down the street. It had been almost a year since I’d left teaching, surely enough time to be over it. Over the angst, over the grief of my ending career, over the…

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